
New grants for energy-intensive businesses – transition to green!

Attention, energy-intensive businesses! The second call for project proposals for transitioning to an energy and resource-efficient economy is now open. Seize this opportunity to secure financing for environmentally-friendly investments and enhance resource efficiency, in line with EU taxonomy goals.

Why apply?

Investing in sustainable production processes offers numerous benefits:

  • Decreased operational costs through energy savings and resource use optimization.
  • Enhanced competitiveness by adopting advanced low-emission technologies.
  • Compliance with EU regulations ensures long-term sustainability and a stronger market position.

Who can apply?

Small / medium / Mid Cap entreprises (up to 3,000 employees) that can clearly demonstrate planned investments contribute to achieving at least one of the following objectives:

  • Promoting a circular economy by enhancing resource efficiency in production cycles and product lifecycles, including sustainable supply of primary and secondary raw materials.
  • Decarbonizing and reducing emissions in energy-intensive industries, including demonstrating and implementing innovative low-emission technologies.

Eligible applicants must be energy-intensive industries classified under sector C Manufacturing (according to NKD 2007), specifically: 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 31.

Mandatory requirement: The share of energy costs in the applicant’s income must be ≥ 2.00% in 2023.

Grant Amounts


  • Minimum grant amount: EUR 70,000
  • Maximum grant amount: EUR 995,000.00

Medium capitalized enterprises:

  • Minimum grant amount: EUR 265,400.00
  • Maximum grant amount: EUR 4,645,200.00

*The maximum total project value cannot exceed EUR 10 million, excluding VAT.

Support Intensity: from 35% to 75% depending on the cost type.

Eligible Activities

  • Introducing technologies to reduce energy and CO2 emissions.
  • Process optimization to reduce energy from non-renewable sources.
  • Energy and water consumption monitoring systems.
  • Investments in renewable energy production.
  • Green technologies for more resource-efficient production.
  • Technologies to substitute primary raw materials with secondary ones.
  • Advisory services from external consultants.


Project proposals can be submitted from July 15, 2024, at 11:00 AM.

The call remains open until funds are exhausted or by January 31, 2025, at 11:00 AM at the latest.

For more information about the upcoming competition, please visit here.



We implement customized advanced metering solutions in order to reduce energy and water consumption for higher operational efficiency and business competitiveness and for a greener future.